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How to jack up a car with a screw jack

Time:2022-01-12 Author:gh-jacks

In recent years, driving is popular. Driving with small partners has become a way for young people to pursue freedom. On the road, car travel faults are inevitable, and screw jack is one of the necessary tools for car trunk. Many people have seen jacks, but they can't use them correctly. Let's talk about the correct use of screw jack.

The use safety of screw jack is the first. When repairing the car, you need to place the jack at the bottom of the car, find the focus, and then jack up the car. Note that the jack shall be placed vertically. During jacking operation, the handle shall be shaken evenly to avoid accidents and damage to the jack caused by up and down impact. The jack lifting height shall not exceed the landmark on the sleeve or piston. After lifting the car, observe that the car remains stable, and then repair the car.

After vehicle maintenance, slowly lower the screw jack, and try not to shake the vehicle to ensure its safety. The used jack shall be cleaned and placed in the trunk for the convenience of next use.



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