Guanhang Machinery

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The truck driver was squeezed, and guanhang brand Jack came to rescue

Time:2022-01-12 Author:gh-jacks

A traffic accident occurred in a place in Longchuan County. One person was trapped at the scene. The situation is very urgent. After receiving the alarm, the fire brigade immediately dispatched rescue personnel to deal with it.

When the firefighters arrived at the scene, the situation was not optimistic. The truck driver was distracted, resulting in a serious rear end collision with the vehicle in front. The front of the truck and the side of the cockpit are seriously deformed. The driver's lower leg is firmly squeezed between the seats by the deformed door. The situation is very critical. Once this situation lasts too long and the blood cannot flow normally, it will inevitably cause local tissue necrosis, and the worst end is amputation.

In this extremely dangerous situation, the firefighters decisively chose the jack for rescue work. They tilted the jack between the seat and the side door, and both ends butted the door and seat. Then the firefighters pressed the handle repeatedly. With the "squeaking" sound from the door and seat, the gap between the door and seat was expanded, and the trapped people were finally rescued, They were sent to the hospital in time. The rescue was timely, and the trapped people were not seriously injured.

This is the use of Jack in emergency rescue environment. In addition to ordinary lifting operations, it also provides us with new ideas.



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