Guanhang Machinery

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Don't be careless when jacking up a car

Time:2022-01-20 Author:gh-jacks

The use of screw jack safety is the first, in the repair of the car need to place the jack at the bottom of the car, find the point of impact and then raise the car top. Take care that the jack is placed vertically.

In the jacking operation, should be uniform use of force shaking handle, to avoid up and down impact caused by accidents and damage to the jack. The jacking height should not exceed the mark on the sleeve or piston. After lifting the top of the car, observe that the car remains stable before servicing the car.

After the car is repaired, the screw jack will be lowered slowly, and the car should not shake as far as possible to ensure its safety. Use up the jack to be cleaned, placed in the trunk, to facilitate the next use.



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