Guanhang Machinery

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Troubleshooting solutions for screw jacks

Time:2023-11-30 Author:gh-jacks

After a screw jack malfunctions, many people do not know how to inspect and repair it. Below, the screw jack manufacturer will teach you some useful tips.

1. First, check if the lifting weight is overloaded. Long term lifting of overweight goods will increase the load-bearing capacity of the screw jack, causing the jack to malfunction.

2. Observe the appearance of the screw jack components to see if there is any damage, cracks, rust, etc. If there is any damage, handle it promptly.

3. Is the internal structure of the screw jack in good condition, is the sleeve lifting smoothly, and is there a problem with the internal structure.

4. Is the hydraulic pressure of the screw jack sufficient or is there any damage to other components.

After the screw jack malfunctions, it should be stopped immediately and professional personnel should be consulted for fault inspection or dismantling work. Do not disassemble it privately to avoid damage to its components.



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