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How to operate jacks in a standardized manner

Time:2023-12-13 Author:gh-jacks

The correct operating method is not only to improve work efficiency, but more importantly, to ensure the safety of everyone's life. As a typical lifting equipment, the jack's most outstanding feature is its load-bearing capacity. Whether it is a mechanical jack or a hydraulic jack, it can lift up to four or two thousand pounds, using less force to lift a weight several hundred times larger than its own output.

The jack has such a huge load capacity that once an accident occurs, it will inevitably cause huge damage. Therefore, during the use of the jack, it is repeatedly emphasized that it should be used vertically, the base of the jack should be close to the ground, and lifting can only be carried out without tilting. If the angle with the ground is tilted during the lifting process, it is very likely to tilt under pressure, and the operator may also be seriously injured due to insufficient dodging.

In addition, when lifting heavy objects such as cars, the jack must wait for the lifting target to be in a stable and stationary state before carrying out the operation. The car should be turned off in advance, and no one should be left on the car, because the movement of personnel and the shaking of the engine can easily cause the jack to tilt.

So when using a jack, it is important to strictly regulate your operating behavior in order to better complete the work and protect yourself.



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