Guanhang Machinery

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Which hydraulic oil should be selected for jacks in winter

Time:2023-11-30 Author:gh-jacks

The hydraulic oil in hydraulic jacks varies in different seasons. It is recommended to use 32 # anti-wear hydraulic oil in winter. Proper use of hydraulic oil can also effectively extend the service life of hydraulic jacks.

After using the hydraulic jack, the user needs to remove the air from the hydraulic jack and store it indoors. Generally, there is no problem when the temperature is between -4 ° C and 40 ° C. Hydraulic jacks are prohibited from being placed outdoors to prevent equipment damage due to low temperatures.

If the hydraulic jack is not used for a long time, its outer surface needs to be coated with a thick layer of butter, then wrapped in transparent plastic and stored in a clean room.

Only by truly understanding the effective maintenance of hydraulic jacks can the service life of the equipment be extended, while also reducing the maintenance cost of the equipment.



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