Guanhang Machinery

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How many tons can the load of the jack achieve

Time:2023-11-11 Author:gh-jacks

What is the maximum weight that a jack can lift? Our answer to this question is that as long as there is a demand, manufacturers can manufacture jacks with any load. Just increase its specifications and accessories, in other words, there is no maximum, only larger.

Jacks need to consider safety issues, so the maximum rated load is usually around 300 tons. Of course, you may also question whether large-scale projects such as bridge beam jacking renovation can exceed 300 tons, right? Of course, there are more than 300 tons, but we need to consider the vastness of the bridge itself. Such a large tonnage lifting operation cannot only use one jack, even if a single jack has sufficient load, the balance and stability of the lifting cannot be guaranteed.

Large scale lifting projects use multiple jacks to distribute pressure at various points, ensuring sufficient load capacity while also ensuring smooth lifting. This is much more scientific and reasonable than specifically developing a jack with a capacity of one thousand tons or ten thousand tons. Therefore, there is no standard answer to the question of the maximum weight that a jack can lift, and more importantly, the most appropriate adjustments are made based on different lifting contents.



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