Guanhang Machinery

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Poor sealing can cause hydraulic jack oil leakage

Time:2023-11-11 Author:gh-jacks

The hydraulic jack has experienced oil leakage after prolonged use. Once this situation occurs, it is highly likely that there is a problem with the sealing of the hydraulic jack. When this problem occurs, if not addressed in a timely manner, its load capacity will sharply decrease, ultimately leading to a complete inability to lift.

When a hydraulic jack experiences oil leakage, it is likely due to a problem with the sealing ring. Prolonged use of the sealing ring can easily lead to oxidation, or prolonged high load conditions can cause the sealing ring to loosen. For this situation, what we need to do is replace the sealing ring.

Of course, in order to prevent this situation from happening, we need to avoid leaving the hydraulic jack in a high load state for a long time. After working, the load should be immediately unloaded, and the hydraulic jack should be placed in a good environment after use, which can effectively prevent oil leakage from the hydraulic jack



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