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Three Operation Methods to Avoid for Jacks

Time:2023-10-28 Author:gh-jacks

The correct operation of a jack is a prerequisite for ensuring the safety of lifting operations. So, what are the most taboo operating methods when using a jack?

Tilt: During the lifting process, the jack should ensure that the ground is flat and perpendicular to the ground. If the jack tilts during the lifting process, it is easy to tip under pressure and cause the heavy object to fall, which poses a great risk.

Vibration: During the lifting process, it is necessary to ensure that the weight is in a static state. This situation often occurs in car maintenance, and people often try to save time. Even the engine is too lazy to shut down, so they directly carry out the lifting operation. This way, the lifting body is prone to deviation due to continuous vibration, ultimately causing the group to fall.

Overload: Overload behavior is a typical example of incorrect operation, as each jack has its own rated load. It is necessary to strictly follow the rated load during use, otherwise it is easy to cause damage to the jack and accompanied by safety accidents.

These three points are the operation methods that are relatively taboo during the operation of the jack, so everyone should pay attention when using the jack and never make such mistakes.



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