Guanhang Machinery

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What is the function of the paint surface of the jack

Time:2023-10-28 Author:gh-jacks

The surface of the jack is coated with a smooth and beautiful paint, which not only improves the appearance of the jack, but also effectively protects the body of the jack. So what is the protective effect of this layer of paint on the jack?

The body of the jack is made of metal material, which can easily corrode and become dilapidated in some harsh and humid environments. Once the impurities in contact with the metal increase, it will also be subjected to more chemical reactions. The next thing to face is a series of phenomena such as corrosion, rust, wear, and so on, which will "shorten the lifespan" of the jack.

And paint mainly serves to isolate air, moisture, and other metal elements, and also plays a certain buffering role in accidental collisions, so as not to cause internal damage to the body.

The function of paint can be described as anti-corrosion, rust prevention, collision prevention, light resistance, temperature resistance, and chemical resistance. It is the presence of these paints that makes the jack less susceptible to erosion by harsh environments.



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