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How to choose a jack that matches your car

Time:2023-09-21 Author:gh-jacks

Before choosing a car jack, we need to clarify two data points: first, what is the weight of our car; What is the chassis height of the second car. Because the issue you need to pay attention to when using a jack is particularly high and overloaded, any violation may bring safety hazards. So how can we operate safely?

Everyone is quite familiar with overloading. Generally, it is only necessary to ensure that the rated load of the jack is above the vehicle weight, so how to control the problem of excessive height? When we use a jack to lift a car to replace a tire, we only need to lift the tire off the ground, and there is no need to have too much ground clearance for the tire. Otherwise, not only is it prone to tipping accidents, but it can also cause the jack to malfunction due to excessive height.

This is the main way to choose the appropriate car jack and safely operate the jack, hoping to help everyone.



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