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Jacks can also be used for emergency rescue

Time:2023-09-21 Author:gh-jacks

he jack we are familiar with is used for the lifting and lifting operation of automobiles. When the vehicle is driving on the road with a tire burst, the jack can be used to assist in tire replacement. The more high-end ones are used for large-scale construction projects such as lifting operations, such as bridge rotation, building translation, and so on. In fact, in addition to these common usage areas, jacks also play another role, which is emergency rescue work.

Jacks can be used with strong force to carry out rescue work, mainly for the expansion of narrow spaces, in order to rescue trapped people. A typical case is a car accident scene where the driver is squeezed and unable to escape due to severe deformation of the vehicle body. At this point, a jack can be used to expand the deformed part, thereby helping the driver escape. Even rescue work after earthquakes often uses jacks to rescue trapped people in the ruins.

From this, it can be seen that jacks are not only used for the construction of vehicles and some large-scale projects, but can also play an irreplaceable role in emergency situations where human life is at stake. If you want to learn more about the application fields of jacks, you can always follow the official website of Corona Airlines, and we will be happy to serve you.



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