Guanhang Machinery

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What should be noted when using multiple jacks together

Time:2023-08-31 Author:gh-jacks

Sometimes a single jack is not enough to complete the lifting operation, so multiple jacks need to be shared. So what are the issues to pay attention to when using jacks simultaneously?

When multiple jacks are used at the same time, it is important to ensure that the models, parameters, and specifications of these jacks are the same, and not that each jack has a different model.

Multiple jacks should not be overloaded when used simultaneously. Once overturning occurs, the overload behavior will cause greater harm to multiple jacks and a higher risk factor.

As many people are needed to cooperate in completing the work as many jacks are used. That is to say, the number of jacks and operators should be the same.

When multiple jacks are used together, it is necessary to have someone command and reach consensus. The lifting frequency and speed should be kept synchronized as much as possible in order to achieve stable lifting.



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