Guanhang Machinery

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The Harm of Overloading on Hydraulic Jacks

Time:2023-08-31 Author:gh-jacks

Regarding the overloading of hydraulic jacks, there is a huge risk for both the jack itself and the operator. So, what are the specific impacts of hydraulic jack overloading? Guanghang will provide you with a detailed analysis of the overloading issue.

Firstly, when it comes to the damage caused by overloading the hydraulic jack itself, we all know that the hydraulic jack is lifted through the internal hydraulic system. Simply put, it is achieved by squeezing the internal hydraulic oil to force the load. However, if overloading occurs and the hydraulic oil is still lifted forcefully, the pressure on the hydraulic oil will increase significantly. During this process, the body may still be able to handle it, However, the sealing ring and the body are not an integrated structure, which can easily be overwhelmed and forced out, causing all hydraulic oil to overflow from the gap and the hydraulic jack to be scrapped.

Then we will talk about the threat of overload to the operator. During the operation of the hydraulic jack, the operator will inevitably press the handle on one side of the hydraulic jack. It should be noted that this distance is very dangerous. Once overload causes the above situation to occur, the top cylinder will inevitably be unable to effectively support the heavy object, and the weight will fall off balance. This is a sudden process, and the operator is easily injured due to not being able to dodge.

This is the danger of hydraulic jacks, which not only cause injury to the jacks themselves, but also threaten the people using them. Therefore, overloading is definitely not advisable.



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