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What causes the lifting speed of the hydraulic jack to slow down

Time:2023-08-15 Author:gh-jacks

The lifting speed of high-quality hydraulic jacks generally does not change, and once the lifting speed of hydraulic jacks slows down, there are likely to be two reasons. Below, Guanhang will analyze for everyone.

Firstly, there is an issue with the sealing degree of the sealing ring. We all know that the sealing ring is located between the sleeve and the body, playing an important isolation role in preventing hydraulic oil from being squeezed out from the surrounding gaps, which ensures the pressure of the hydraulic oil during the lifting process. If there is a problem with the sealing degree, it naturally leads to insufficient pressure, resulting in slow lifting speed.

Then there is the problem with the hydraulic oil itself. The presence of impurities inside the hydraulic oil can also lead to slow lifting speed. During the lifting process, the hydraulic oil needs to enter the main oil tank through a one-way valve to complete the lifting. Once impurities are present in the hydraulic oil, it is easy to cause congestion in the valve and oil circuit, similar to a high blood pressure condition in the human body. As a result, the speed of oil inlet becomes slow, and the lifting speed naturally decreases.

These two points are the reasons that may cause the lifting speed of the hydraulic jack to slow down, so it is necessary to make corresponding detection and treatment for this situation of the hydraulic jack as soon as possible.



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