Guanhang Machinery

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How to Maintain and Handle Hydraulic Jacks in High Temperature Weather

Time:2023-07-25 Author:gh-jacks

High temperature weather has a significant impact on hydraulic jacks, so how can we solve the various problems caused by high temperature weather on hydraulic jacks?

The first and most important thing is to regularly replace the hydraulic oil. The hydraulic system is used under high temperature and dust, and over time, the hydraulic oil will gradually age and deteriorate. Regular replacement of hydraulic oil is necessary to ensure the normal use of hydraulic jacks.

Then, the sealing components of the hydraulic jack will be tested, because compared to hydraulic oil, the sealing components are more prone to aging under high temperatures for a long time. After the sealing components age, the hydraulic oil will leak, resulting in insufficient pressure and loss of lifting capacity of the hydraulic jack. Therefore, if necessary, the sealing components should be replaced in a timely manner.

Finally, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the hydraulic system, inspect all pipe joints of the hydraulic system, and promptly handle leaks or blockages to ensure the smooth operation of the hydraulic jack at all times.

The above is the treatment and maintenance methods for hydraulic jacks operating in high-temperature environments for a long time.



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