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Before using the jack outdoors, check the ground condition

Time:2023-07-25 Author:gh-jacks

The most commonly used jack in our daily life is the scissor jack. Scissor jack belongs to the car jack of most drivers. The use of scissor jack is relatively simple, but there is one point that needs special attention in use, which is the issue of the jack support point.

Due to the structure of the scissor jack, it does not have a stable chassis. Its chassis is only a small piece, which poses a problem in selecting support points.

The support point of a scissor jack must meet two conditions. Firstly, this position must be flat, as the base of the claw jack is not stable. If the road surface is slightly pitted or tilted, there is a high possibility of tipping during the lifting process.

Secondly, the geological support point must be ensured to be hard. If the geological support point of the shear jack is soft, coupled with the smaller contact surface between the shear jack and the ground, it will inevitably cause the shear jack to sink due to greater pressure, leading to accidents.

Therefore, the support points of the jack are very important, and when using a shear jack outdoors, it is necessary to check the ground condition.



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