Guanhang Machinery

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Why cannot the screw jack be tilted for use

Time:2023-06-19 Author:gh-jacks

Because the hydraulic system is prone to oil leakage and insufficient lifting force when used in inclined or inverted positions, the advantage of screw jacks lies in the transmission device compared to hydraulic jacks. This type of screw transmission does not rely on the hydraulic system and does not require hydraulic oil injection. Therefore, whether used vertically or horizontally, there is no need to worry about oil leakage.

However, some people believe that screw jacks can lift heavy objects at any angle. In fact, the jack is slightly tilted, which is not conducive to the overall uniform force. Over time, the side that frequently lifts heavy objects is severely damaged, and there may be bending, wrinkles, and other conditions. In severe cases, it is not possible to lift heavy objects under full load, and may even need to be scrapped.



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