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Which type of jack is suitable for use as a car jack

Time:2023-06-19 Author:gh-jacks

The car jack is an appliance to jack up the car body when replacing the Spare tire. Private owners usually put the jack in the car trunk, and the garage puts the jack in the tool box in the shop. Although screw jack, hydraulic jack, claw jack, even horizontal jack, shear jack can be called car jack, they show different stability performance in the process of jacking the car.

It is believed that most people choose a car jack, and they certainly hope to choose a jack with good stability. In this way, when replacing the Spare tire, the jack will not overturn, the vehicle will not skew and other conditions. However, if the exclusion method is used to select the existing jack types, I am afraid that only the screw jack and hydraulic jack meet this requirement.



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