Guanhang Machinery

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Why can't you disassemble the screw jack by yourself

Time:2022-11-24 Author:gh-jacks

The internal structure of the screw jack is extremely precise, and each component plays an important role in the most appropriate position. So when the screw jack fails, do we need to self unload and disassemble it to repair its internal components? The answer is no.

In case of jack failure, it is necessary to find a professional for maintenance. Do not disassemble the jack without permission, because the internal components of the screw jack are relatively precise and compact. Once a little carelessness occurs, this precise and compact structure is likely to be damaged, which can not be repaired, but will cause more problems.

Two options can be made for the faulty screw jack: either find a professional for maintenance or contact the manufacturer to return to the factory for handling, which is also the safest way to insure.



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