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Tips for safe use of jack when changing tires

Time:2022-11-24 Author:gh-jacks

Driving often faces the risk of tire blowout, and the jack is a necessary lifting equipment for changing tires. However, there are some potential safety hazards in the process of using the jack to jack up the vehicle, so we need to pay attention to some safety problems. Now let's share some tips for safe use of jacks.

When replacing the spare tire in the field, the most worrying thing is that the force point of the jack is unstable, and it slips during the lifting process. This situation is very easy to hurt ourselves or the vehicle. In this case, we can choose to install sleepers under the jack to make its base act on the stable force point, so as to ensure the stability during the lifting process.

The addition of sleepers does not guarantee absolute safety. After we use the jack to lift the car a little, we can choose to put the replaced tire on the bottom of the car first, so that even if the jack slips during the lifting process and the car suddenly falls, the support of the tire will not harm people.

With these small skills in details, the safety of the jack is greatly improved.



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