Guanhang Machinery

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How to check screw jack failure

Time:2022-01-12 Author:gh-jacks

Many people don't know how to check and repair the screw jack after it breaks down. The screw jack manufacturer will teach you some tricks to use.


1. First check whether the jacking weight is overloaded. Long term jacking of overweight goods will increase the bearing load of screw jack and cause Jack failure.

2. Observe whether the screw jack components are damaged, cracked, rusted, etc. from the appearance. If there is any damage, deal with it in time.

3. Whether the internal mechanism of the screw jack is good, whether the sleeve jacking is smooth, and whether there is a problem with the internal structure.

4. Whether the hydraulic pressure of screw jack is sufficient or whether other components are damaged.

In case of failure of the screw jack, the operation shall be stopped immediately, and a professional shall be found for fault inspection or removal. Do not disassemble it without permission, so as to avoid damage to its components.



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