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The importance of hydraulic jack seal ring

Time:2022-01-20 Author:gh-jacks

Sealing degree and most of the equipment is very important, especially when it comes to gas work and liquid work equipment, hydraulic jack is a typical example, the seal in the hydraulic jack is the sealing ring, it acts on the sleeve and the body around a circle, always blocking the connection between hydraulic oil and the outside world.

With the increase of the use frequency, the damage will be pushed by hydraulic oil every day, the degree of damage will become more and more large, until you can see obvious traces of oil leakage, at this point, it is necessary to immediately make an effective operation, replacing the seal ring is imperative.

If still has not made any treatment, the loss of hydraulic oil will increase by every use, want to know the hydraulic oil in hydraulic system of the stock is limited, the pressure in the process of lifting and hydraulic oil has a direct relationship, in the long term, will be enough for the hydraulic oil, hydraulic jack to hoisting speed slower and slower, hoisting failure finally.

It can be seen that the importance of the sealing ring, so in the use of hydraulic jack must always pay attention to the sealing ring, once found that there is oil leakage, in the first time to deal with.



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