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How to avoid oil leakage of hydraulic jack

Time:2022-01-12 Author:gh-jacks

Hydraulic jack has small volume, good performance and wide application fields. In order to avoid oil leakage during the use of hydraulic jack, here are some suggestions for users' consideration and reference.

1. Do not overload. The hydraulic jack will not leak oil under normal use, but if the weight of the jacked weight exceeds the rated load of the hydraulic jack, it will not only wear the top cover of the hydraulic jack, but also exert great pressure on the whole of the hydraulic jack, damage the jack shell, resulting in oil leakage, so the jack must not be overloaded.

2. Pay attention to maintenance. The hydraulic jack leaks oil, which may be due to a problem with the sealing ring. During the long-term use of the jack, the user had some improper operations and did not maintain it in time, resulting in wear and aging of the sealing ring, poor sealing effect and oil leakage. Therefore, pay attention to maintenance after using the jack.

The above is the method and suggestion to avoid oil leakage of hydraulic jack. It is hoped that users can use the jack according to the regulations and do a good job in the maintenance of the jack.



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