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The manifestations and reasons why hydraulic jacks cannot be started

Time:2024-08-28 Author:gh-jacks

One of the common faults is that hydraulic jacks cannot be started. There are usually several manifestations of hydraulic jack failure: ① Repeatedly pressing the handle, but the plunger does not move; ② Press the handle and the plunger will immediately lift, the handle will lift up, and the plunger will descend and return; ③ The handle cannot be pressed at all. Any of these three situations indicates a problem with the hydraulic jack.

The reason for the existence of the first problem may be due to sealing reasons, resulting in a lack of hydraulic oil or insufficient oil volume, which will cause the transmission distance of hydraulic oil to be insufficient to reach the bottom of the plunger and push it to run.

The reason for the second problem may be that there is a problem with the oil plug, which causes the oil circuit of the oil storage tank to open with each return of the handle, resulting in the backflow of hydraulic oil and the disappearance of oil pressure, causing the plunger that was lifted to begin to descend.

The reason for the third problem may be that the oil circuit is blocked, causing the hydraulic oil to be unable to transmit, resulting in the inability to press the handle. Another possibility is severe overloading, causing the hydraulic jack to be insufficient to lift the target.

These are the common manifestations and causes of hydraulic jacks not being able to start. If you have any other problems, please feel free to contact us.



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