Guanhang Machinery

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The significance of using high-density alloy steel for the body of hydraulic jacks

Time:2024-08-28 Author:gh-jacks

The hydraulic jack is made of high-density alloy steel, which has extremely high metal strength. The quality and strength of the jack body material are highly valued because during the lifting operation, it is not only the steel column that bears enormous pressure, but the entire body part.

As is well known, the main hydraulic fluid pressure of hydraulic jacks is used for lifting operations. The liquid pressure is multiplied by Pascal's principle, and during the lifting process, the liquid pressure not only acts on the bottom of the steel column, but also on all parts in contact with the hydraulic oil. If the hydraulic jack does not have a high-strength metal body, it will inevitably be difficult to withstand this enormous pressure, which may lead to the possibility of the body bursting.

It can be seen from this that the selection of metal materials for the body of hydraulic jacks is very important. Only with strong metal properties can the safe lifting operation be ensured.



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