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It is necessary to clean and lubricate the piston rod of the hydraulic jack

Time:2024-08-28 Author:gh-jacks

The impact of different environments on hydraulic jacks varies greatly. If a hydraulic jack is used in harsh environments such as sand and dust all year round, its maintenance and upkeep should be strengthened, especially the cleaning of the piston rod.

Generally, automotive hydraulic jacks do not require frequent cleaning and maintenance of their piston rods, as the frequency of use of vehicle mounted jacks is not high. However, if it is a commonly used hydraulic jack in industry, it is different because lifting operations will be accompanied by prolonged exposure of the piston rod. If the environment is harsh, it will inevitably be invaded by dust and impurities. If it is returned to its original position after use, impurities will inevitably enter the interior of the jack, and over time, the jack will inevitably fail to operate smoothly.

Regularly clean the piston rod of the hydraulic jack. Before returning, use a clean cloth to wipe the piston rod. If you are worried about rusting, apply some rust inhibitor and lubricate it periodically to ensure the long-term smooth operation of the hydraulic jack.



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