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Is the screw in the screw jack a universal part

Time:2024-07-02 Author:gh-jacks

There are two types of screw jacks: self-locking and ordinary. Even from different manufacturers, the components used in jacks are the same. The lifting screw is an essential component of jacks, and without it, we cannot complete lifting tasks smoothly and effortlessly.

The lifting screw is made of high-quality carbon steel structure, which has high strength and hardness. When people place the screw in the threaded sleeve and continuously press the screw, the mechanical transmission force of the screw will be transmitted to the subsequent threads. By moving the screw up and down, more and more force will be obtained, and the heavy object can rise and fall in a short period of time.

However, it should be noted that the screws in the screw jack are not universal parts because the weight of the jack varies, and the size of the screws used is also different. Although the screws included in the small tonnage jack can be inserted into the threaded sleeve of the large tonnage jack, the lifting effect is not good. The screws included in the large tonnage jack are thick and long, and naturally cannot be inserted into the threaded sleeve of the small tonnage jack.



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