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The force issue when using a screw jack horizontally

Time:2024-07-02 Author:gh-jacks

The screw jack is a relatively labor-saving mechanical equipment, but this does not mean that we do not need to use it with force, and the amount of force added to the jack handle is related to many factors.

Firstly, the tonnage, stroke height, and weight of heavy objects of the screw jack will directly affect our level of force, and the heavier and longer the stroke, the more laborious the jack will be.

However, at the same time, besides being able to be used vertically, the screw jack can also be used horizontally. When used vertically, people can control the jack handle in a standing or squatting position, which is more convenient and labor-saving. But when using horizontally, what posture should we use to control the joystick?

When a screw jack needs to be used horizontally, it is mostly related to pipeline construction. In short, it needs to be placed between two objects perpendicular to the ground. At this time, people only need to change the orientation of their wrists to allow themselves to remotely control the jack handle in a comfortable way. The force used in this case is greater than that used in vertical use.



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