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Harm of hydraulic jack idle for a long time

Time:2022-01-03 Author:gh-jacks

Hydraulic jack can jack up heavy objects by increasing the oil pressure inside the hydraulic cylinder. It is a jack with strong jacking force. In the process of using the hydraulic jack, it should be noted that the hydraulic jack can not be put aside for a long time. Why?

First of all, when the hydraulic jack is put aside for a long time, there will be a lot of air in the hydraulic cylinder. At this time, if the hydraulic jack is used again, the piston rod is likely to jump. At this time, the user needs to Jack the hydraulic jack two to three times without load to eliminate the air in the hydraulic cylinder. Then, if the hydraulic jack is put aside for a long time, the internal sealing plug may harden due to long-term idleness, resulting in the decline of sealing performance and problems when the hydraulic jack is used. Finally, some metal parts of the hydraulic jack are likely to rust in long-term idling.

Therefore, it is best not to idle the hydraulic jack for a long time. Even when the hydraulic jack is not used, the user should regularly Jack the hydraulic jack without load two to three times.



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