Guanhang Machinery

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Regarding the more sacred responsibility of jacks

Time:2023-04-19 Author:gh-jacks

In most people's understanding, jacks are only used for car lifting and maintenance work, and there are also some special jacks used for large-scale construction projects. In fact, the job of a jack is not limited to this, it has a more sacred responsibility at certain special moments.

Due to the powerful lifting capacity of the jack, it is often used as a space expansion tool to carry out rescue work. For example, in car accidents where passengers are stuck due to vehicle deformation, the jack can be used as an expansion tool to expand the compressed space and carry out rescue work. Furthermore, natural disasters such as earthquakes can cause people to be trapped due to collapses. Jacks can also be used to lift collapsed objects and carry out rescue work.

From this, it can be seen how powerful the function of a jack is. Although it has its own job, it can take on more responsibility in the event of some special accidents, which is the jack.



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