Guanhang Machinery

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Protecting hydraulic jacks from long-term idleness

Time:2023-03-24 Author:gh-jacks

If a hydraulic jack is not used for a long time, it must not be ignored, because too long idle time of the hydraulic jack can also cause some serious losses, and we need to adopt some methods to reduce this loss.

When the hydraulic jack is left unused for a long time, there will be a lot of air in the hydraulic cylinder. If the hydraulic jack is used again, the piston rod may jump suddenly. At this time, the user needs to lift the hydraulic jack without load two to three times to remove air from the hydraulic cylinder. Then, if the hydraulic jack is left unused for a long time, the internal sealing plug may harden due to long-term idleness, leading to a decline in sealing performance, causing problems when the hydraulic jack is used. Finally, some metal parts of the hydraulic jack are likely to rust during long-term idleness.

Therefore, it is best not to leave the hydraulic jack idle for a long time. Even if the hydraulic jack is not used, the user should regularly allow the hydraulic jack to be lifted without load for two to three times.



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