Guanhang Machinery

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How to ensure the safety of Jack

Time:2022-08-01 Author:gh-jacks

What should we pay attention to before using the jack to ensure the safe use of the jack? We will answer you from the following three points

1. Check the site before use. It should be spacious. If it can't be achieved, the basic ground should be solid, so as to prevent tools from tipping and effectively prevent accidents.

2. When using tools, you must pay attention to the tonnage, and then carry the object according to the tonnage limit, so as not to cause overload accidents and make use safer.

3. Press the lever plug at a uniform speed, and the speed should be consistent. This is a good way to ensure that the object rises steadily. Every user should do it.

For your safety, Xiaobian will share with you the methods of avoiding accidents with jacks. I hope you can use them for reference. If you have other safety problems, you can directly consult or pay attention to this site.



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