Guanhang Machinery

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It is important to keep the rack Jack clean

Time:2022-08-01 Author:gh-jacks

When using the rack jack, the user needs to pull the rocker back and forth to control the lifting and lowering of the weight. In this process, the rack braking system of the jack has been working. When the user stops pulling the handle, the pawl will engage the rack to lock the jack.

If the user cannot maintain the cleanliness of the rack jack, there may be mud stuck on the rack, resulting in the inability of the ratchet to engage, resulting in the consequences of insensitive braking; Even if the ratchet can overcome the impact of debris on the stable occlusion, it will also be worn by these sand stones. In the long run, it is easy to have serious wear problems. In addition, when the rack is stained with oil, the problem of brake system failure may also occur, which may easily lead to the fall of heavy objects.

To sum up, only by maintaining a high degree of cleanliness of the rack jack can the user ensure that the jack does not have body failure during use.



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