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Methods to ensure that the oil quality in the hydraulic jack is not damaged

Time:2021-12-27 Author:gh-jacks

The hydraulic jack lifts the weight by lifting the control lever up and down, and the internal hydraulic oil is the power for the jack to lift the weight. Therefore, after using the hydraulic jack, users should pay attention to two matters to ensure that the hydraulic oil will not deteriorate and avoid affecting the lifting effect of the hydraulic Jack.

The first important note: after using the hydraulic jack, put the jack in a dry and ventilated place to reduce the chance of water vapor entering the hydraulic jack and avoid the damp of the jack, so as to damage the internal oil quality of the hydraulic jack.

The second important note: after the hydraulic jack is used, it shall be well maintained to prevent the dust accumulated for a long time from corroding the outside of the jack or entering the inside, which will affect the oil quality of the hydraulic oil.

These are the two precautions to ensure that the oil quality in the hydraulic jack will not be damaged. After using the jack, the user shall pay attention to placing the hydraulic jack in a dry and ventilated place and do a good job of maintenance.



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