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Precautions for hydraulic jack

Time:2021-12-27 Author:gh-jacks

Hydraulic jack is widely used in road and bridge construction, mining metallurgy, automobile machinery and other industries. As a necessary tool, it needs more maintenance every day, which can greatly ensure its performance and prolong its service life. Here are the matters needing attention in use and maintenance. Please take a closer look.

1. Read the manual before use to accurately understand the brand of oil used by the hydraulic jack, and the brand of oil must also be used in the later stage.

2. When it is used for the first time, after the motor is rotated with full oil, open the motor rain cover on the equipment to check whether the motor rotates clockwise. At this time, the motor can be idled for a few minutes to eliminate the air in the oil and make the motor run more smoothly.

3. The normal operating oil temperature of the hydraulic jack is 20-70 ℃. When the oil temperature is too high, the method of cooling or shutting down the pump can be adopted, and the hydraulic jack can continue to be used after the temperature is normal; When the oil temperature is too low, the oil temperature can be increased by heating or low-pressure operation.

4. Under normal circumstances, the pump can be overhauled once a year. At the same time, carefully clean all parts with kerosene. During product assembly, ensure that all components are free of jamming.

As an important tool, the hydraulic jack is like a soldier's "gun". You give it constant maintenance and care. It helps you complete your task successfully.



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