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What is the working principle of pneumatic jack?

Time:2024-07-24 Author:gh-jacks

Pneumatic jacks are suitable for lifting larger cars. Pneumatic jacks have a simple structure, can quickly lift and lower, adjust height, have good stability, and are safe and reliable. More and more auto repair shops are using pneumatic jacks for car jacking operations.

Pneumatic jacks convert the energy of compressed air into mechanical energy through a pneumatic transmission system to achieve lifting and lowering movements. Specifically, when compressed air enters the cylinder through the control valve, it pushes the piston upwards, thereby lifting the workbench. When it is necessary to lower, high-pressure air is discharged, the piston moves downward, and the workbench descends accordingly.

Pneumatic jacks are not only easy to operate and labor-saving, but also have a smooth and fast lifting process. Usually, as long as the operation is followed, the sedan can be lifted without damaging the chassis. Meanwhile, due to its pure aerodynamic characteristics, there is no oil leakage problem, making maintenance more convenient.



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