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What impact will hydraulic jacks have if they exceed the height limit

Time:2024-07-17 Author:gh-jacks

In addition to weight limit, hydraulic jacks also have a very important restriction requirement, which is height limit. We all know that overloading hydraulic jacks can easily cause the overflow of hydraulic oil and even the rupture of the entire machine. So, what are the effects of using hydraulic jacks at high altitudes?

Each jack is equipped with a red limit line. If this limit line appears after the sleeve is lifted during the lifting process, it indicates that the critical value has been reached, which will bring a series of adverse effects to the jack when it rises. The biggest impact is that the sleeve may get stuck and unable to return normally. Once this happens, it is not just about getting stuck. Long term load can easily cause serious damage to the hydraulic system of the jack.

In addition, exceeding the stroke can easily lead to a decrease in the sealing degree of the hydraulic jack, causing dust and impurities from the outside to mix into the oil tank, resulting in a decrease in the quality of the hydraulic oil and easy blockage of the oil circuit, making the transmission of the entire hydraulic system less smooth and significantly reducing the lifting effect.

So, hydraulic jacks should not only pay attention to overloading at all times, but also to superelevation to avoid all illegal operations and ensure maximum safety.



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