Guanhang Machinery

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Structural characteristics of claw type jacks

Time:2023-08-22 Author:gh-jacks

The top claw of the claw type jack has a special structure. The claw and top are both forged from high-quality steel and formed as a whole, which not only meets the needs of lifting low height heavy objects, but also improves the anti fracture ability of the claw. Therefore, the claw and top of the claw type jack have the same material and manufacturing process

When lifting a heavy object, a claw jack uses a cylinder block or piston as the lifting component to slowly lift the lifting sleeve. As the sleeve rises, its top is gradually lifted to a higher position. At this time, its claws are also driven together, and the heavy object located above the claws will smoothly achieve the lifting effect. However, due to the overhanging setting below the claw, unlike the strong support provided by the fuselage at the top, its load capacity is half that of the top.



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