Guanhang Machinery

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There are three types of mechanical jacks

Time:2023-08-12 Author:gh-jacks

The working principle of mechanical jacks is also relatively easy to understand. The so-called mechanical jacks rely on the mutual force between mechanical components to complete the lifting operation, among which the typical ones are threaded jacks, which are commonly known as shear jacks and screw jacks. Then there is the rack and pinion type, whose typical representative is the rack and pinion jack. Another type of jack is the monkey climbing pole jack, which is mainly used for off-road roof lifting.

The above three types all utilize the interaction force between mechanical components for lifting operations, so they are all mechanical jacks. If you want to learn more about the relevant knowledge of different types of jacks, you can always follow the official website of Corona Airlines, and we will be happy to serve you.



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