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Why is the efficiency of hydraulic jacks higher

Time:2023-07-07 Author:gh-jacks

Why is the efficiency of hydraulic jacks always higher than that of mechanical jacks? Actually, many people don't quite understand this issue. Today, let's explain the efficiency of fluid transmission to everyone.

The efficiency of hydraulic jacks is mainly compared to that of screw jacks. Screw jacks rely on the principle of screw transmission, relying on the threads on the screws to achieve a bit by bit pushing effect. Hydraulic transmission completes the lifting effect by compressing the hydraulic oil. When the jack needs to return, the advantages of hydraulic jacks are reflected.

The screw jack still needs to slowly lower through the transmission of threads, and this process mostly requires manual intervention. On the other hand, hydraulic jacks are different. Hydraulic jacks only need to twist the oil drain valves, and the hydraulic oil will flow back to the oil storage chamber under pressure, without any intervention during the entire process. The different working principles and internal structures result in different return efficiency between the two.



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