Guanhang Machinery

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Steps for using car mounted jacks

Time:2023-06-13 Author:gh-jacks

Generally, cars are equipped with jacks, but there are still many people who do not know the steps to use jacks. Below, we will take you to a detailed understanding.

Firstly, before using the jack, park the car on a smooth road surface and turn off the engine as much as possible, and place the safety triangle at a distance of 50-150 meters from the front and rear,

Then align the jack with the support point at the bottom of the car, which needs to be marked by the car manufacturer (near the side skirt), because the design of each car may not be the same.

Finally, it's time to use a jack. Connect the matching wrench and sleeve to the back of the jack, and then rotate it directly to control the height of the jack. We must remember not to use excessive force during the operation of the project, and we must slowly lift it, otherwise the jack may easily deform.

This is the steps and methods for using the jack. If you have any other questions, please feel free to come and inquire.



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