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The sealing ring of hydraulic jack that has been idle for a long time is more prone to aging

Time:2023-02-06 Author:gh-jacks

The hydraulic jack that has not been used for a long time will not prolong its service life. Don't think that there is no loss without use. This kind of idle will not only prolong the service life of the hydraulic jack, but also accelerate its aging in some aspects.

The sealing system is an important part of the hydraulic jack. The reason why the hydraulic jack has a strong lifting capacity for a long time has an absolute relationship with the sealing system. However, once the sealing system is aged, the hydraulic jack is likely to leak oil, thus losing its lifting capacity. Long-term idleness is one of the reasons for the aging of the sealing system.

Long-term idle state will lead to the separation of hydraulic oil and sealing ring. Without the moisture and isolation air of hydraulic oil, the aging rate of sealing ring will increase. Therefore, idle state is more likely to lead to the aging of the sealing system of hydraulic jack. Therefore, we recommend that even if the jack is not used for a long time, we should regularly carry out several reciprocating no-load operations on the jack, which is the key to maintain the sealing system.



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