Guanhang Machinery

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Which region and country are China's jacks mainly exported to

Time:2023-01-14 Author:gh-jacks

Hangzhou Guanhang Machinery is a well-known manufacturer of screw jacks in China. The jack products exported to foreign countries are mainly sold to the following regions and countries.

1. North American market (USA, Canada and Mexico);

2. European market (Germany, France, Britain, Russia, Italy and other European countries);

3. Asia-Pacific market (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, etc.);

4. South American market (Brazil and Argentina, etc.);

5. Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Türkiye, etc.);

According to the jack product types exported and sold by Guanhang Machinery in the past decade, the sales of horizontal hydraulic jack and screw jack are far higher than those of hydraulic jack and claw jack.



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