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Safety hazards of Jack overload

Time:2022-07-13 Author:gh-jacks

As for hydraulic jack overload, there are huge risks for both the jack itself and the operator, so what impact will hydraulic jack overload bring? Chenghua makes a detailed analysis of overload for you.

First of all, the damage of hydraulic jack overload to itself. We all know that hydraulic jack is lifted through the internal hydraulic system. Generally speaking, it is to squeeze the internal hydraulic oil to force the heavy object to complete the lifting. However, if overload occurs and the lifting is still forced, the pressure on the hydraulic oil will increase significantly. In this process, the body may still be able to carry it, However, due to the non integrated structure of the seal ring and the body, it is easy to be overwhelmed and forced out, causing all hydraulic oil to overflow from the gap and the hydraulic jack to be scrapped.

Then we are talking about the threat of overload to the operator. In the process of operating the hydraulic jack, the operator must press the handle on the side of the hydraulic jack. You know, this distance is very dangerous. Once the overload causes the above situation, the top cylinder must not be able to effectively support the weight, and then the weight falls out of balance. This is a sudden process, and the operator is easy to be injured because he can't dodge.

This is the harm of hydraulic jack, which not only injures the jack itself, but also threatens the people who use it. Therefore, overloading is definitely not advisable.



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