Guanhang Machinery

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The three most taboo operation modes of Jack

Time:2022-07-13 Author:gh-jacks

These three operation modes of Jack will bring hidden dangers.

Tilt: during the lifting process, the jack should ensure that the ground is flat and perpendicular to the ground. If the jack tilts during the lifting process, it is easy to dump under pressure, and then make the weight fall. This operation method has great risks.

Vibration: in the process of lifting, it is necessary to ensure that the heavy objects are in a static state. This often happens in vehicle maintenance. People often try to save trouble, and even the engine is too lazy to shut down, so they directly carry out the lifting operation. In this way, the lifting body is easy to shift in the continuous vibration, and finally lead to the group falling.

Overload: overload behavior is a typical example of wrong operation. Each jack has its own rated load. In use, it must work in strict accordance with the rated load, otherwise it is easy to cause damage to the jack, accompanied by safety accidents.



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