Guanhang Machinery

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How to raise tower crane with Jack

Time:2022-04-25 Author:gh-jacks

If you want to raise the tower crane, you must first make the tower crane foundation with concrete. After laying the foundation, use the crane to install the standard section of the tower crane, that is, a layer of metal frame on the land, which is also one of the core parts of the tower crane. Stack the standard sections up one by one to build the tower body. After the tower body reaches a certain height, install the tower top and boom on the top, that is, the operation room of the staff.

When the tower crane needs to be higher, it is necessary to use a climbing machine similar to the standard section. Unlike the standard section, one side of the climbing machine is empty. After the climbing machine is raised from the ground to the position requiring interlayer, the boom will lift a standard section from the ground and raise it to the same height as the climbing machine. At this time, the climbing machine will make great efforts.

Using its own hydraulic device, the jack pushes up a space just enough to be put into the standard section, then uses the pulley on the platform to send a row of standard sections to this position, and finally the staff fixes the tower God with bolts to complete the lifting.



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