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Problems needing attention when using vehicle jack

Time:2022-04-06 Author:gh-jacks

When using the jack, be sure to observe the following items. Otherwise, it is easy to cause accidents, leading to serious personal injury and even death.

1. The jack can only be used when changing the tire.

2. When using the jack, no one can stay in the car.

3. Only use the jack attached with the vehicle.

4. Once the tire is lifted off the ground, stop and continue to jack up the vehicle. It is dangerous to lift the vehicle too high.

5. When using the jack to support the vehicle, do not drill under the vehicle and start the engine.

6. Do not collide or shake the jacked vehicle, and do not park the vehicle on the jack for a long time.

7. Do not turn the jacked wheel. Otherwise, other wheels may turn, causing the vehicle to fall off the jack.

8. Do not use jack on inclined or soft road. Otherwise, the jack may slip and cause personal injury. Always use a jack on a flat and hard surface. Before placing the jack, make sure there is no sand on the ground.

9. The jack can only be pushed at the position shown in the figure. Otherwise, the vehicle may be dented or the jack may tip over, causing personal injury.



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