Guanhang Machinery

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China skillfully uses Jack to make tofu

Time:2022-03-07 Author:gh-jacks

We've all heard a saying called ordering tofu in brine, but is it over after ordering tofu? Of course not. We also need to suppress tofu, which can facilitate the formation of tofu. With the use of Jack, the pressing of tofu is replaced by mechanical pressing from manual pressing. Using it to press tofu can quickly squeeze out the water in tofu and achieve the purpose of solid shape. When pressing tofu, put a board on the top of the tofu, place the bottom of the jack on the board, and top it on the fixed iron railing. The operation process is simple and the force can be controlled. There will be no situation that the tofu is too light, the water can not be squeezed out, or the tofu is too heavy, and the tofu is crushed.



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