Guanhang Machinery

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Can jacks also log wood?

Time:2022-02-07 Author:gh-jacks

Because the logging industry is extremely dangerous, it is easy to injure the staff if it is difficult to control the direction in which the trees fall. For this reason, lumberjacks rely on their own wisdom to use jacks in logging work, which not only saves time and effort, but also ensures that trees do not fall to themselves. Let's take a look at how lumberjacks use it. First, the lumberjack saw a square space on one side of the tree with a chainsaw, put a triangular wedge in the gap on both sides as a support, then put the jack in the square space, adjust the height so that the top and bottom touch the tree, and then put the other One side saw, and then you can adjust the handle to lift the tree. Cutting down trees in this way not only improves work efficiency, but also is very safe, so you don't have to worry about the big tree hurting yourself.



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